transfer completed

We transferred this sweet little embryo yesterday:

The embryologist thawed a straw of three and all survived the thaw. Two were exactly the same – grade 2, but a very high grade 2. The third was a grade 3 and we chose not to refreeze it. Of course she recommended that we transfer all three, but understood our reasoning not to. I have to say that we both wavered a bit but in the end, we stuck to our plan of an sFET. Here’s hoping! We refroze the other embryo and still have a straw of 4 should we need them.

Today I am taking it easy. I just had a bowl of cereal with a banana and am contemplating having a cup of coffee. I totally cut out coffee when I was trying last time around, but my high-risk OB told me coffee was fine in moderation, so I drank a cup a day from about the second trimester on (and no other caffeine). Any thoughts from you ladies? I am much more relaxed this go around than last and am kind of feeling like if I want a cuppa, I’m gonna have it and it’ll be fine. I don’t remember the progesterone kicking my butt last time around like it is this time. I have been having cramping and bathroom issues (ahem) and feeling nauseous for days. Ugh.

Monkey stayed with a friend and her two kids yesterday while we did the transfer and he did great. It was the first time we’ve left him with anyone besides my mom or DW’s mom. He was fine with us leaving, had a fabulous time, and was actually mad when he had to go home. Ha! I’m so glad he wasn’t crying and clingy – go Monkey!

Beta Monday May 21…


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10 responses to “transfer completed

  1. And DW just told me absolutely NO to coffee 🙂 HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  2. That’s awesome news!!! I hope this works out for you! 🙂

    P.S. the video ad that came up following your post was a mother’s day commercial for Publix (a grocery chain— do they have those where you live?). Anyway, they are INFAMOUS for making these really emotional, tug-at-heartstring commercials – when I was preggers with Liam and their Christmas commercial came on TV, I’d always end up bawling my eyes out. Well, I think you really need to watch the mother’s day one… I really think it would be fitting in your current situation. 🙂 and will probably make you weep as well! LOL Here is the youtube link to it…


  3. Congrats! Heres to a BFP in your near future.

  4. fingers crossed for a BFP!

    as for coffee, M also made me give it up. she was sneaking decaf into my morning coffee for weeks while were TTC before admitting her ploy. in the end, though, i appreciated it. i still occasionally had a cup of coffee when i wanted or needed it, but not my regular mug-a-day. i think it was better that way even though i do look forward to picking up the addiction again someday.

  5. what a beautiful little embryo!! so excited, wishing a bfp for you in 10 days! 🙂

    ps. very cool they could re-freeze the embryo, i didn’t even know that was possible!

  6. Next in line

    Re-freezing? Wow that is pretty cool technology. I guess, why not give it a try.
    That is a beautiful little circle 🙂

  7. nice lookin’ embryo you’ve got there! I didn’t know that they can refreeze embryos. I guess we refroze sperm so, why not?! I had a cup a day, sometimes 1/2 decaf sometimes not.

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